Growing up from Galloway, NJ, Jaden Jones always had a passion for school. During elementary and middle school he focused on getting good grades. But, Jones always prioritized making friends more. He didn’t have many friends but he kept his close friends near and dear. It gave him a sense of community in school.
Now in high school, Jones participates more in school and he’s involved with Bowling, Class Council, Computer Club, Science Club, Art Club, and E-Sports. Throughout his first two years of high school he noticed many things he felt needed to be changed. In his Junior year, Jaden felt like he had an obligation to do something. However, he didn’t feel like he had a voice in anything.
In September, Jaden Jones ran for the Class of 2025 Treasurer position. His campaign consisted of fliers hung around the school as well as social media posts about his candidacy and the role he planned on playing in the changes he campaigned on. His main concern was that the Junior class only made one thousand dollars in the span of two years. To combat this, Jaden planned to participate and plan as many fundraisers he humanly could.
Jaden’s competition for the role was Alani White. The two candidates had similar goals, so the election was sure to be a close one. It actually ended up as a neck and neck battle. After three days of waiting, the results were announced by the school speakers. The classroom speakers blared the decision at the end of the day; “For
Treasurer, Jaden Jones.”
Jones said about the vote tally; “I was very happy when I figured that I won. But like,
I was more surprised because my competitor at the time, Alani White. She kind of, had
like the same, like, amount of people voting for her. So, it was kind of like a ball tossed
in the air of like who was going to win.”