For Students In The Building Trades Academy, Safety Is Key

A Look Into the Classroom with Plumbing Students at ACIT

Jackson proves to be a leader by teaching Junior David Desir how to ignite the torch to solder the pipe. “I have developed skills like communication, and cooperation as well as patience in my learning environment,” Jackson says. “I have also improved my listening skills when receiving instructions because that is very important in this line of work considering it is potentially dangerous at times.”

A priority shared among many academies at ACIT is the cultivation of teamwork and communication. One such academy that values these skill sets is the Building Trades Academy. Working in carpentry, electrical, and plumbing can be dangerous, and being able to complete trade-related tasks with optimal teamwork and communication allows students to complete their work safely and efficiently.
Mr. Handle, the head of the department, takes pride in his students’ progression toward these skills. “It’s amazing to watch our students grow from freshman year into the responsible young adults they are becoming,” says Handle. “They are all hard-working individuals that want to be successful in whatever they do and I am proud of each of them.”
One of these hard-working students is junior Jeremiah Jackson. This photo gallery follows Jackson and captures his skills in teamwork and communication as he works with other plumbing students soldering and cleaning pipes, installing hot and cold water lines, and performing other skills taught and honed within the Building Trades Academy.