Spring is Dance Season
Spring Dance Concert is Friday, May 12
ACIT’s Performing Arts Dance Academy is excited to announce its upcoming Spring Dance Concert on May 12th. The concert will showcase the hard work and dedication of the academies talented dancers, who have been practicing through rehearsals all year to perfect their routines. Ms. Zuener, ACITs dance teacher, has been planning and setting up the Spring Dance Concert. With the help of her students, she has choreographed dances and designed costumes for her students. Dance students have also created their own choreography to showcase, also a dance choreographed by Addyson Santore who is a former ACIT dance student that graduated last year! Ms. Zueners dedication to the show and her students is evident in the quality of the performances that will be on display at the concert.
The event promises to be a night of exciting entertainment, dancers will perform a variety of dance styles! Dances like modern, hip hop, contemporary, jazz, african, musical theater, and more styles will be showcased! ACIT’s Performing Arts Center is where the Spring Dance Concert will be held. The concert promises to be a great experience for all who attend, and a showcase of the incredible talent of the Performing Arts Dance Academy. Curtains open at 7PM, don’t miss your chance to attend the Spring Dance Concert on May 12th in the PAC.
If you are interested in attending, tickets will be sold May 8th to May 12th. Ms. Zeuner and other dance students will be in the cafeteria for all lunch periods. Tickets for adults will be $10, and for students $5. Make sure to get your tickets before the show begins, this is a great opportunity to support the dance academy students and appreciate the work they’ve put into these dances all year! You don’t want to miss ACITs Spring Dance Concert!